Hi team,

A good news:

Now, language support (Java, Python, Go) of pulsar-admin functions
subcommands (creat, localrun, update) is shown on the Pulsar API doc page.

This doc is generated from code automatically. If you update descriptions
in source code files, feel free to ask me to review them from the technical
writing perspective.

Besides, welcome to update this matrix [2] if you submit changes to the
function and client.


Special thanks to @signormercurio for making this happen! [3]

And thanks for your technical support!

@urfreespace, @freeznet, @jiangpengcheng, @laminar*, @*danpi

[1] https://pulsar.apache.org/tools/pulsar-admin/2.11.0-SNAPSHOT/#functions


[3] https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/16853


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