Hi all,

There will be 2 Apache Pulsar talks at "LinuxCon + ContainerCon +
CloudOpen2018, June 25--26, Beijing, China":
1:  How a Segment-oriented Architecture Delivers Better Performance

In this talk, Jia will discuss how this layered architecture allows Pulsar
to achieve a high level of scalability and performance.

The time of it will be:
"Monday, June 25 • 15:00 - 15:40"
And here is the link, which contains more information:

2:  Light Weight Computing for IOT/Edge Using Pulsar Functions
In this talk, Sijie/Jia will talk about Apache Pulsar Functions in IOT/Edge
Computing area.

The time of it will be:
"Tuesday, June 26 • 16:20 - 17:00"
And here is the link, which contains more information:

Best Regards.

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