Le 31/12/2010 16:16, Andrew Kennedy a écrit :

I think I'll have to attach a patch with the Maven POMs and so on to
QPID-2987 since there are far too many breaking changes to the Ant build
at the moment to check this in as-is - at least until we all agree Maven
is the true way forward. Isn't it? Should we have a proper vote on this
like Marnie suggested earlier? I don't really understand the process
involved, to be honest.

Having official Maven artifacts available, especially for the client, would be much welcome. For the reminder, I still maintain a Maven repository at http://people.apache.org/~ebourg/qpid/maven/ with the artifacts for the client and the management console. (The artifacts are built daily but the process is currently halted due to QPID-2977)

I have no preference over the tool used to generate these artifacts, I will just mention that there are other alternatives like Ant+Ivy or Ant+Maven Task that are probably less disruptive than a complete revamp of the build system with Maven. For example the patch suggested in QPID-1916 to generate the artifacts is based on the Maven Ant tasks.

Whatever the system, I really hope the next release will have official Maven artifacts. I think it should even be a release goal.

Emmanuel Bourg

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