On 03/20/2013 05:14 AM, Michael Filonenko wrote:
Meanwhile, it happens that switching the precision at the last minute
allows the 32-bit Windows build to support extflonums without using SSE
and without affecting flonum arithmetic.

Agreed. But since switching the processor "at last minute" every time
slows things down a bit, it may be useful to have an option to
switch to the extended mode on Win32 just once. That will be useful
for us and other users who have SSE and worry about performance.
Could you please take a look on the updated pull request which now
contains #define-guarded code?

I expect this to cause the tests in "math/tests/flonum-tests.rkt" to fail.

I think the optimization Matthew mentioned earlier - switching to extended mode once for multiple operations - is a better option. The blocks of code guarded by mode switches should be roughly the same as those that stack-allocate extflonums. IOW, switching modes would mostly coincide with moving extflonums in and out of the heap, which is slow enough that the mode switches would be unnoticeable.

Neil ⊥

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