This has recently caught my interest, I've seen it before, but brushed it aside for some reason:

SPKI even rates a mention in Li Gong's "Inside Java 2's platform security" 2nd ed. page 144.

There is some BSD licensed software on sourceforge called JSDSI, although it hasn't been actively developed recently, the code looks relatively clean.

Anyway, I'm thinking about writing some graphical utilities to manage pubic private key pair and certificate generation and storing keystores and truststore's.

The appealing thing about SPKI is it's based on local name spaces, ideal for internet based secure communications.

Authentication is left up to the local namespace, so for instance someone can log on using PAM (or any other login provider) their Subject then runs with their authenticated Principal ( a Certificate), their company Principal (Certificate) would then delegate permission, if allowed for that Principal to communicate with another company's network on behalf of the company. The second company is only concerned with the first, not with the details of the user from the first company. So it provides and allows for anonymity, if required.

I'm not completely sure how it integrates with Java 2 Security, or whether the java security policy needs to provide support for it. It should be relative simple binding local names to principals using keystore aliases. This allows interacting, but separate companies, to have their own principal aliases for each other, their users, user groups or roles etc.

To quote the referenced paper (pages 7 & 8):

   "In 1996, Ron Rivest and Butler Lampson at MIT designed the Simple
   Distributed Security Infrastructure (SDSI) [26]
   with the main goal of facilitating “the building of secure,
   scalable, distributed computing systems” [7]. Around the
   same time, Carl Ellison proposed the Simple Public Key
   infrastructure (SPKI) [5] to simplify authorization. In 1998,
   these two proposals merged to form SPKI/SDSI.

   One of the main goals of SPKI/SDSI is to provide flexible and
   lightweight authorization—particularly in comparison
   to X.509. Moreover, to avoid the ambiguity problems in global names,
   SPKI/SDSI is centered on public keys—since
   a PKI principal always ends up needed to prove knowledge of the
   private key. SPKI/SDSI is egalitarian: no global
   hierarchy or hierarchical infrastructure necessary. Every principal
   is free to issue certificates to other individuals. This
   also leads to scalability. As noted above, SPKI/SDSI is centered on
   keys, and dispenses with the notion of globally
   unique names. A principal is free to use names, but these names are
   explicitly part of that principal’s local namespace.
   SPKI/SDSI works by combining a public key with a set of attributes
   to form an authorization certificate (in contrast
   to its counterpart, the X.509 attribute certificate that binds a
   distinguished name to a public key). Figure 4 shows this
   authorization triangle [12]. SPKI/SDSI authorization certificates
   list the issuer and subject (both identified via public
   keys), a tag field that carries the conveyed authorization, and
   validity dates.

   One of the other main advantages of SPKI/SDSI is its ability to
   delegate authorization easily. This is done using a
   propagate bit in the authorization certificate. If this bit is set,
   then the subject of this certificate can re-delegate the
   permission or attributes he is given. Delegation is transitive; if
   Alice delegates to Bob (with permission to delegate
   further) and Bob delegates to Carol, then in effect Alice has
   delegated to Carol.

   SPKI/SDSI can also create name certificates binding names to public
   key but they are not required for authorization
   decisions. The name is valid only for the local namespace and is
   used by the principal only for personal identification
   SPKI/SDSI name certificates list issuer and subject (both identified
   via public keys), identifier (the local name), and
   validity dates. In SPKI/SDSI, a principal can also create groups by
   issuing multiple name certificates—one for each
   group member—with the same name and different subject keys. The
   concept of groups can also be used to create roles
   for role-based authorization."

   "In SPKI/SDSI, an authorization flow is a chain of valid
   certificates—authorization only, or authorization and name—
   that specifies an authorization [7]. The trust root of an
   authorization flow is the first principal in the chain who started
   the delegation process. Unlike X.509, this principal does not need
   to be a distinguished CA.

   SPKI/SDSI certificates use S-expressions: “human-readable ASCII
   representations” [25]. LISP-like S-expressions
   make it easy for humans to read a certificate and deduce its
   meaning, in contrast to X.509 and ASN.1. Parsing
   canonical S-expressions can take much less code size that parsing
   ASN.1 data; in one study [11], S-expression parsing
   code takes 8 KB, while ASN.1 parsers take 50KB to 500KB,.

   As noted earlier, SPKI/SDSI uses a tag-language to express
   authorization information through large sets of strings or
   S-expressions. Standard libraries may be written to intersect
   certificate tags and deduce what an authorization chain
   authorizes. On the other hand, because of X.509’s generality, each
   developer is free to define an X.509v3 extension
   format and then define how those attributes may be intersected.
   Thus, each application using X.509 has to write a
   separate X.509 chain-processing routine.

   In contrast to X.509, SPKI/SDSI emphasizes short-lived certificates,
   rather than Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)."



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