Nice to see the work started. There is still a lot to do, but at least the work has started and it is possible to connect Calc to R.

Wojciech Gryc wrote:
Now, I also wanted to let everyone know that using RServe, I built a
Java-based macro that gets R to calculate the correlation between two
columns in Calc. The direct link to an outline of the work, source code,
etc. is:

Already spotted an error: I believe that 'xs.getCellByPosition(sCol, sRow + i).getValue()' returns '0' for *Missing Values*, instead of NA! This falsifies results where values are missing. [I am NOT sure that this is the culprit, BUT *missing values* are indeed handled incorrectly.]

I pointed this out, because IF getValue() indeed interprets missing values as 0, we have a problem with this method.
The purpose here was to get a proof-of-concept working, and this is by no
means an outline of how the final product will look. ...

There is still much work to do. Macros could be OK as well, but it is probably better to take the RExcel approach, to store the R commands as strings in the table and have a context menu entry 'Run R Command' and 'Get R Results', and also some Calc menus for useful R functions.

Yet, a nice work for the beginning.



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