Yes indeed. It’s my 2023 Christmas wish. I know we are not big on marketing, 
but it might be a good idea to update the official website.



Thomas Huang
Group Supervisor, Data Product Generation Software
Instrument Software and Science Data Systems
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
(818) 354-2747<tel:(818)%20354-2747>

On Nov 17, 2023, at 1:07 PM, Nga Chung <> wrote:

I think we're ready to graduate. We've come a long way and have
learned to follow the Apache Way for software releases. We're also in
the process of deciding on an official SDAP logo!


On Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 12:00 PM Riley Kuttruff <> wrote:

As we work on the 1.2.0 release, I think we should begin our discussion of 
graduating SDAP in earnest.
Over the past year or so, we've:
- Successfully ran through the release process twice
- Improved our code to be compliant with ASF rules, and now, hopefully, we 
should be free of any licensing issues with our dependencies
- Further promoted SDAP within the scientific community through seminars, 
social media, integration with ongoing projects, etc

What does the community think? Are we ready to graduate or do you feel there 
are any issues that are holding us back?


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