This is fantastic feedback thanks folks. I'll maybe have a look at
implementing the Heatmap issue myself as i think it would be a nice
addition to SensSoft.

On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 1:37 PM, <> wrote:

> From: Joshua Poore <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 23:49:48 -0400
> Subject: Re: Generating Heatmaps for User Behaviour
> @Lewis
> Some more info, but out of the order in which you asked:
> >> session reconstruction e.g. What does an end-to-end browning session
> >> look like?
> Browsing session reconstruction defines a good amount of the work we’re
> doing now and for the remainder of the year on a number of projects. We’re
> actually already working on this now, and it will be the basis of a ton
> more work that will start mid-late June.
> What our solution looks like is UserALE.js packaged in a FireFox browser
> plugin. The plugin drops UserALE.js into the client without having to touch
> source code. So, you can get all the data you’d expect from UserALE.js, but
> be able to capture data from sites that UserALE.js script tags haven’t been
> embedded in (the source code). The use case is that orgs and users can just
> deploy a browser that captures userALE logs with disc images—bam. Chris
> Muto (new contributor) built a prototype. @fordar is picking that project
> up and resolving some of the major/obvious issues like mixed media/CORS
> issues. You’ll see this code in the UserALE.js repo probably next week when
> @fordar get’s his bearings.
> >> what type of client e.g. Firefox, safari, etc
> Plugin will be FireFox to start. But FireFox and Chrome are playing nice
> in plugin portability… Once the plugin is in the .js repo, feel free to
> reach out or combine forces with @fordar if you know of someone that needs
> this very soon.
> >>  heatmap generation representing user activity overlaid over Webpage
> >> * dot plotting similar to the above
> First... what Rob said
> Second, I actually have some tickets to move over to Apache Jira about
> investigations of open source code for grabbing screen caps from browsers.
> If we can coregister those screens with cursor x,y, then heat maps should
> be a snap (if you can deal with pushing around and storing those screen
> caps). The browser plugin logging solution will also make this easier,
> building off the plugin should give us more data available to the client.
> Next week, I’ll get my investigation tix moved over (going on short
> vacation tomorrow—back next week). Unlikely we’ll have a ton of bandwidth
> (as a team) to work on heat maps specifically in the next month or two.
> However, later this year we’ll be focusing very hard on visualization and
> TAP. Something like heat maps are a big part of that, but I can’t talk
> about that with specifics yet. @lmariano is very interested in this, but
> she can’t talk specifics yet either.
> Again, comprehensive browsing session capture is a major theme for us this
> year. A number of us will be under contract to do some of this work and it
> will all be Apache. If you know of other interested parties, let’s talk
> offline so that we can coordinate sooner than later. Things will start
> percolating up to our roadmap pretty soon.
> >> * ability to see where people visiting your webpage/webapp came from e.g
> >> where did the client come from?
> No immediate plans to do this. No current capability to capture
> origin/destination data, but likely something that could be deployable
> through the script tag. We should have some wish list tix on this. The
> browser plugin deployment use case will drive a lot of upgrades to
> UserALE.js that will push this along. Of course, we’ll get this data from
> the client easy, but the “visiting your website” deployment is different
> than the “websites you visit” use case the browser plugin supports.
> I hope that helps, too.
> > On Apr 27, 2017, at 10:48 PM, Rob Foley <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Lewis,
> >
> > While I haven't taken to plotting it out myself, I think the data we
> > generate would be sufficient to plot out a heatmap on a page, since many
> of
> > the logs contain X,Y coordinate pairs. Using a library like heatmap.js or
> > simpleheat you could probably get a decent overlay for a page that way.
> Dot
> > plotting would be a similar answer with something like D3. Seeing where
> > someone came from may be a bit tricky, since that'd rely on the referer
> > (sic) header being set, which some clients may ignore. If you only wanted
> > to track between pages on a particular domain, that may be a bit easier.
> >
> > User Agent is currently picked up by our logstash logging endpoint,
> though
> > any logging server could record it. For a better idea of what the client
> > looked like (client fingerprinting), it may be better to perform various
> > feature detection heuristics. Reconstructing a browser session is a bit
> > ambiguous, since it may require even more fine grained recording, though
> > it'd probably make a fairly good estimation.
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> >
> > Rob
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 9:26 PM, lewis john mcgibbney <
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hi Folks,
> >> Can someone explain the capabilities offered by senssoft for the
> following
> >> scenarios
> >> * heatmap generation representing user activity overlaid over Webpage
> >> * dot plotting similar to the above
> >> * ability to see where people visiting your webpage/webapp came from e.g
> >> where did the client come from?
> >> * what type of client e.g. Firefox, safari, etc
> >> * session reconstruction e.g. What does an end-to-end browning session
> >> look like?
> >>
> >> I have plenty more questions but lets start with the above.
> >> Thanks
> >> Lewis
> >> --
> >>
> >> @hectorMcSpector
> >>
> >>


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