ject: Re: Should UserALE.js build directory reside in SCM?
> I'm not entirely sure what you are referring to when you say "this
> directory". If you mean the build directory,
Yes I do. Thank you for making this explicit.
> I think it'd be useful for
> people to have
I'm not entirely sure what you are referring to when you say "this
directory". If you mean the build directory, I think it'd be useful for
people to have that available, otherwise they'd have to build from source
any time they pull from npm, which is fairly atypical. I'd be open to
arguments about
H Folks,
I deleted this directory locally before I pushed the 1.0.0 RC#1 due to the
fact that, IMHO it should not reside for the *-src artifacts. If someone
wishes to draw from a *-src artifact, then they should use 'npm run build'
or 'npm install' to install the UserALE.js artifact(s).
Any comment