Interested in a node.js port of Shindig?

2011-05-14 Thread Jonathan Beri
(cross-post from OpenSocial Community group .) At the OpenSocial State of the Union this week, I mentioned I've been working on a POC for a node.js implementation of Shindig. There seemed to be a lot of interest in adding no

Re: Writing an interface with drag/drop support.

2011-01-08 Thread Jonathan Beri
Not sure if this will help, but there is a jQuery/OpenSocial project: & a dashboard project: ** * * *Jonathan Beri* Senior Technical Product Manager, Magento

Re: Non HTML Container Implementations

2011-01-06 Thread Jonathan Beri
-2008-presentation/5 * * HTH. * * ** * * *Jonathan Beri* Senior Technical Product Manager, Magento Inc.

Pub/Sub JS library: js-signals

2010-11-28 Thread Jonathan Beri I came across an interesting library called js-signals. Its an alternative pubsub implementation inspired by an AS library. I haven't dug too deeply onto Shindig's new PubSub but is this useful?