Re: Issue adding support for ATOM activity stream

2010-10-16 Thread Mark Weitzel
Art, Seems like writing our own guice module is going to be the first step. If you have not done this, we can chat next week walk through it. Once we look at this in a bit more closely, maybe we can post a few details for comment. In the meantime, would you mind opening up a jira so we've got a way

Re: Issue adding support for ATOM activity stream

2010-10-15 Thread Paul Lindner
it's a rats nest at the moment. I'd like to see some way of registering/injecting new conversion code for BeanXStreamAtomConverter so modules can add their custom conversions but have not had time to work that out as of yet. On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Art Corl Jr wrote: > Hi, > > We're a

Issue adding support for ATOM activity stream

2010-10-11 Thread Art Corl Jr
Hi, We're adding the xstream implementation for mapping JSON activitystreams to ATOM & XML, and would like advice on how to handle the configuration/dependencies. AtomEntry class (in the shindig-social-api project) must be updated (ActivityEntryImpl object is being passed in). However, these