Hi, I've set up an additonal set of testing jobs for Java 9, using the RC build ( Java 9 b181 )
- https://builds.apache.org/view/S-Z/view/Sling/job/sling-launchpad-tes ting-9 - https://builds.apache.org/view/S-Z/view/Sling/job/sling-launchpad-tes ting-war-9 The test results are not _that_ bad: Tests run: 561, Failures: 13, Errors: 36, Skipped: 1 I've done a first triage pass over the test results and created blockers for SLING-7046 [1]. There are failures related to JSPs, JAXB, teleporter, indexing and some more :-) If anyone wants to take a stab at an issue, feel free to pick them up - I'm not going to make work on the fixes immediately myself, but I'd still like to have a Sling 10 release ready by September 21st. Thanks, Robert [1]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-7046