i want to create a new node below a path that contains a dot, eg:

POST /foo.bar/content/*
./jcr:primaryType = "nt:unstructured"

this fails, because the path is truncated after the first dot (i.e. at
/foo). if i do a POST with a trailing slash, it works:

POST /foo.bar/content/
./jcr:primaryType = "nt:unstructured"

The code that truncates the path is in ModifyOperation.getItemPath(),
but if the resource is not a NonExsitingResource.

there was a lot of discussion about this, but i can't remember, why
the path is truncated for the /* but not for the / case? right know i
don't know any usecase why the path should be truncated after the
first '.'. i would understand if it was the first dot after the last
slash (so snip of any potential extension).

does anyone know more about this?
regards, toby

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