
We are testing spamassassin 3.2.0 in a Linux Fedora box with QMAIL as
MTA. We would like to know if there is a module for caching the tests
results. We have seen than the same mail (identified always with the
same message-ID) is scanned multiples times (as many as RCPT TO command
are received). I think that this cache module that could work on memory
and store results during 5-10 min would allow reduce time processing.
Only general test (DNS, DCC, PYZOR ,etc... ) would be store in this
cache. Of course, the user preference should be applied to get the final
score but the results of the test (test hits) could be store. Any one
know if is it possible or are there a module similar?.

Thanks in advanced.


Antonio M. Guirado Puerta
Sistemas  de Información y Comunicaciones
Fundación Integra. http://www.f-integra.org

Teléfono: +34 968 355161
Fax:      +34 968 355131
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