Re: What's the root cause of not supporting multiple aggregations in structured streaming?

2020-11-26 Thread Yuanjian Li
Nice blog! Thanks for sharing, Etienne! Let's try to raise this discussion again after the 3.1 release. I do think more committers/contributors had realized the issue of global watermark per SPARK-24634 and SPARK-33259

Re: Spark 3.1 branch cut 4th Dec?

2020-11-26 Thread Hyukjin Kwon
Just as a gentle reminder, we have one week left before the branch-cut. Please focus on finalizing the works to land in Spark 3.1.0. After the branch-cut, I will look through the JIRAs and update the fields correctly, for example, retargeting to 3.2.0 in the JIRAs targeted 3.1.0. As Dongjoon point

How to convert InternalRow to Row.

2020-11-26 Thread Jason Jun
Hi dev, i'm working on generating custom pipeline on the fly, which means I generate SparkPlan along with each node in my pipeline. So, my pipeline end up with PipeLineRelation extending BaseRelation like: case class PipeLineRelation(schema: StructType, pipeLinePlan: LogicalPlan)(@transient over

Re: What's the root cause of not supporting multiple aggregations in structured streaming?

2020-11-26 Thread Etienne Chauchot
Hi, Regarding this subject I wrote a blog article that gives details about the watermark architecture proposal that was discussed in the design doc and in the PR: Best Etienne On 29/09/2020 03:24, Yuanjian Li w