
My name is Mario Fernández and I´m a Big Data developer, I usually program in 
Apache Spark in Java, and we have a big problem to read properly a csv file. 
The issue is that:

When I want to read csv file, for instance, with semicolon delimiter, the 
dataframe take semicolon like delimiter ant that´s correct, but also take comma 
like delimiter and that´s the problem.
I check this problem in Apache Spark 2.10, 1.6.2 DataFrame and also in Apache 
Spark 2.11 2.0.2 Dataset, and troubles are the same.

dfFile1 = sqlContext.read()       .format("com.databricks.spark.csv")
                                  .option("charset", "Cp1252")
                                  .option("header", "true")
                                  .option("delimiter", ";")

When I read a csv file like that, dataFrame take like delimiter the yellow 
129.363;Mathew, Thomas;Johnson;Centers Technician

And the comma between Mathew and Thomas, shouldn´t be take like delimiter.

I would like to know if that´s problem is a bug and you are going to correct or 
the way to read simply is like that.

Thank you so much in advance.

Kind Regards.


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