Re: Tungsten off heap memory access for C++ libraries

2015-10-01 Thread Paul Wais
Update for those who are still interested: djinni is a nice tool for generating Java/C++ bindings. Before today djinni's Java support was only aimed at Android, but now djinni works with (at least) Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS. djinni will help you run C++ code in-process with the caveat that

Re: Code generation for GPU

2015-09-10 Thread Paul Wais
In order to get a major speedup from applying *single-pass* map/filter/reduce operations on an array in GPU memory, wouldn't you need to stream the columnar data directly into GPU memory somehow? You might find in your experiments that GPU memory allocation is a bottleneck. See e.g. John Canny's

Re: Tungsten off heap memory access for C++ libraries

2015-09-01 Thread Paul Wais
Paul: I've worked on running C++ code on Spark at scale before (via JNA, ~200 cores) and am working on something more contribution-oriented now (via JNI). A few comments: * If you need something *today*, try JNA. It can be slow (e.g. a short native function in a tight loop) but works if you