The Spark on Kubernetes development community is pleased to announce
release 0.4.0 of Apache Spark with native Kubernetes scheduler back-end!

The dev community is planning to use this release as the reference for
upstreaming native kubernetes capability over the Spark 2.3 release cycle.

This release includes a variety of bug fixes and code improvements, as well
as the following new features:

   - HDFS rack locality support
   - Mount small files using secrets, without running the resource staging
   - Java options exposed to executor pods
   - User specified secrets injection for driver and executor pods
   - Unit testing for the Kubernetes scheduler backend
   - Standardized docker image build scripting
   - Reference YAML for RBAC configurations

The full release notes are available here:

Community resources for Spark on Kubernetes are available at:

   - Slack:
   - User Docs:
   - GitHub:

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