There are a few things going on here wrt tests.
1. I fixed up the RAT issues with a hotfix.
2. The Hive tests were actually disabled for a while accidentally. A recent
fix correctly re-enabled them. Without Hive Spark tests run in about 40
minutes and with Hive it runs in 1 hour and 15 minutes, s
The RAT path issue is now fixed, but it appears to me that some recent
change has dramatically altered the behavior of the testing framework, so
that I am now seeing many individual tests taking more than a minute to run
and the complete test run taking a very, very long time. I expect that
this i
Nan Zhu
On Friday, April 11, 2014 at 5:35 PM, DB Tsai wrote:
> I always got
> =
> Could not find Apache license headers in the following files:
> !? /root/workspace/SparkPullRequestBuilder/python/metasto
I always got
Could not find Apache license headers in the following files:
!? /root/workspace/SparkPullRequestBuilder/python/metastore/db.lck