so i done gone and got myself hitched, and will be disappearing in to
the rainy island of kol chang in thailand for the next ~2 weeks.  :)

this means i will be completely out of contact, and have to leave
jenkins in the gentle hands of jon kuroda (a sysadmin here at the lab)
and matt massie (my boss).  they've been CCed on this email, and
briefed on the basic operations, so should be able to maintain things
while i'm gone.

i will ask that during these next couple of weeks that we hold off on
any major system changes and package installations, unless it's a
blocker and needed for any releases.  this is mostly my fault, as i've
not finished porting all of the bash setup scripts (of doom) to
ansible and i'd like to minimize feature drift.

anyways, i'll be back in a couple of weeks, so don't break anything.  :)


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