Hi Incubator PMC, 

The Apache Streams community has voted and approved the proposal to  
release Apache Streams 0.4.1 (incubating).  

We now kindly request the Incubator PMC members to review and vote on this 
incubator release. 

0.4.1-incubating is a maintenance release focused on code, documentation, style 
and test improvements. Several highlights include adoption of the google java 
code style and databricks scala code style, switch from JUnit to TestNG for 
integration tests, elimination of guava transitive dependency from most 
modules, and removal of non-apache hadoop dependencies from all modules.  

0.4.1-incubating also contains bug fixes and additional flexibility in the 
facebook, instagram, twitter, and youtube provider modules.  

Thread [VOTE] :  

Thread [VOTE] [RESULT] :  

The Release candidate to be voted upon is 0.4.1-incubating (rc1), with the 
following artifacts up for a vote:  

incubator-streams-master source tag (0.4.1-incubating):  
incubator-streams source tag (0.4.1-incubating):  
incubator-streams-examples source tag (0.4.1-incubating):  

Maven staging repos:  

Source releases:  

Checksums of streams-master-0.4.1-incubating-source-release.zip:  
MD5: f34b5799f7852756ee3be6af742c8b11  
SHA1: 596346b53b66d4a7878a8443c3c3a1766c325442  
Checksums of streams-project-0.4.1-incubating-source-release.zip:  
MD5: a5d548ee32b856da7ecdeb7c5c6de124  
SHA1: d5be5990200d05f408d13e5061fcc2bed112cbda  
Checksums of streams-examples-0.4.1-incubating-source-release.zip:  
MD5: 55151873d89c7c1f09e6a6f5916dc2ac  
SHA1: 72921be981f739a2962e9a1363115377d86d3ac8  

Release artifacts are signed with the following keys:  

Please take the time to verify these artifacts before casting your vote.  

Note that Maven 3.3.9 and JDK 1.8+ are now required, and that MAVEN_OPTS  
should set the java heap to at least 2G for best results.  

These repositories must be verified (mvn clean verify) in the right order: 
first streams-master, then streams-project, finally streams-examples.  

Note that to execute the full suite of integration tests, one must first  
prepare a testing environment with docker databases and working credentials  
to all providers.  

Vote will be open for 72 hours.  

[ ] +1 approve  
[ ] +0 no opinion  
[ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)

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