2008/2/29, CleverSwine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  Antonio Petrelli wrote:
>  > Err... Does C++ have interfaces at all? All I recall is that C++ has
>  > classes.
> Of course it does. A simple google search
>  (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=C%2B%2B+interfaces&btnG=Google+Search)
>  would have shown you. Perhaps you're thinking of C.

The first result:
Contains this piece of code:

#define Interface class

#define DeclareInterface(name) Interface name { \
          public: \
          virtual ~name() {}

#define DeclareBasedInterface(name, base) class name :
        public base { \
           public: \
           virtual ~name() {}

#define EndInterface };

#define implements public

So I was right, C++ does not have interfaces, it uses only a trick to use them!
I think this is definitely a candidate for thedailywtf.com :-D


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