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The following page has been changed by TedHusted:

New page:
Sometimes, when a thread starts to go amuk, one of the Jakarta founders, Pier 
Fumagalli, will remind to someone "Stop being a PITA." 

What's a PITA?

 * Someone who insists their solution is better than another upon which 
everyone else can agree. 

Why is this behavior bad?

 * A core ASF principle is that the best solution is the one upon which we can 
all agree. Any solution that creates disagreement is, by definition, not the 
best solution. Perhaps on some astral plane, a contrarian solution is 
technically superior in some way, but from an ASF perspective, if we can't 
agree among ourselves, then it is not "better". 

PITA Symptoms include:

 * Believing that there is one true answer to everything.
 * Not taking no for an answer.
 * Interjecting pet topics into any given thread ("hijacking").
 * Replying to your own rants.
 * Thinking being a PITA is a good thing.

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