May I kindly recommend how unclear this version naming scheme appears to even 
the Struts
committers? I cannot think of any other open source project that is trying to 
divide sub-projects
into different versions, which is, not to be confusing, not the same as the 
version number of the
packaged release.

Take a look at the Spring framework. They release both the full spring.jar as 
well as spring-aop,
spring-dao, spring-mvc, etc. The full and miniature libaries are released under 
ONE version
number. There will be a Spring 1.2.7 coming out, which means updates to any of 
those libaries all
together -- not 1.2.4 for this library, 1.2.3 for here, 1.2.7 for here and then 
together = 1.2.7.

Honestly, I never thought the versioning scheme you guys are now attempting now 
is very intuitive.
Please don't confuse my criticality with being mean. I want you guys to 
succeed, but this
innovative versioning scheme is really a mental-draining loser in the long run, 

I know you guys want to release as "1.3.0" first and then have the libary 
versions go the separate
ways, but this is sure to muck you the moment you have to update libraries in 
tandem. If new
feature X in the tag library requires new feature Y in the core, you guys have 
destroyed the whole
independence you saught with separate releases.

I say take the Spring model: same version number for ALL libraries, full or 
miniature, and release
the full set each time as ONE version number.

Just my 2 cents.


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