Hi Karl,

Thanks for the answer. Looks like this problem exists since >10 years...

Best regards,
Thomas Singer
syntevo GmbH

On 2021-06-08 17:09, Karl Fogel wrote:
On 08 Jun 2021, Thomas Singer wrote:

A user wanted to copy a working copy to an URL and it fails with
following exception:

org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Wrong or unexpected
property value
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Invalid property value

    at org.apache.subversion.javahl.SVNClient.copy(Native Method)
    at at com.syntevo.smartsvn.client.SuSvnClient.copyImpl(SuSvnClient:1225)

Unfortunately, it is completely unclear what property value is
rejected by SVN. How to fix the working copy to make the copy
operation succeed?

This is just a guess, but


discusses how the value of the "svn:ignore" property (on a directory) can cause this, if that value uses non-LF line endings. So try investigating the values of that property wherever it is used?

I agree that the error message you're getting is missing some useful information!

Best regards,

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