I'm also interested in suggestions, thanks.

On 28-Apr-19 20:44, Thomas Meulendijks wrote:
Hi all,
I am currently using pandoc to convert my markdown files into pdf.
I do this because of a few things,

- I want to be able to manage my documents in git.
- I want to edit my documents in my text editor of choice
- I want to first type and afterwards worry about styling (for this I use latex 
templates now)

I want to move away from pandoc since (on arch Linux at least) the package with 
dependency is 420MiB.

Does anyone know a program or programs that can help with this or maybe 
suggestions on
changing my workflow / requerments?

The over all goal is an easy and manageable workflow to create simple pdf 's  .

Greetings and thanks in advance,


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