Hi Team,

There are a couple git features that I'd like to request apache infra to
enable. These settings are not supported by the asf.yaml configuration. I'd
like to request the following feature be enabled:

- auto merge
should make merges faster as CI can take long but having github merge once
it's green would be a nice quality of life improvement.

- Default to pull request titles for squash commits
for some reason when there's only 1 commit in the PR, github uses the
commit message instead of the PR title. However, if the contains more than
1 commit, the PR title is used. This should make our git history better
since we have rules around PR titles.

Please respond with any concerns, comments, or +1s. If there are no
concerns over the next few days, I'll go ahead and open the infra ticket.

-Tai Dupree

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