On 18/11/2013 16:09, Timo Hatakka wrote:

do you have any plans to implement a feature which would make it possible to
force user "recalculation" in a given point in time. For example employee
role would be taken away just after job contract has finished. We try to
implement everything by event based processing and this feature is needed
for starting or terminating time based things which do not have own event.
Something like deferred task and deferred task scanner in another (past)

If not, any good ideas how to implement the functionality? A quite simple
but not so pretty idea is to include a timestamp attribute to user and
export this to DB table and then do syncing by simulating events by custom
scripted sql adapted. Adapter's sync method should give only those lines
which has timestamp which is newer than timestamp which was processed in
previous run but which are not in the future.

Of course we need a lot of logic to implement role set evaluation but it is
another question. I suppose it can be done at least in activiti workflow.

there is no currently no support nor plans for having a sort of "time machine" (if I've got you correctly), e.g. database versioning.

You might, however, empower some other features to (partially) reach your goals:

1. Scheduled tasks [1], e.g. classes whose execution can be scheduled for checking a given condition and, when matching, perform some pre-defined logic

2. Audit: with latest improvements being developed as part of SYNCOPE-422 (that will be delivered as part of Syncope 1.1.5), you will be able to save in the audit tables some "important" values upon execution of almost any available operation; then you will need to develop something for fetching such data and use it for your own purpose.


[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/SYNCOPE/ScheduledTaskJobClass

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

ASF Member, Apache Syncope PMC chair, Apache Cocoon PMC Member

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