Dear Teaclave Commiters,

Thanks for your contribution to the projects.

I'd like to propose "tags" of our committers to give a simple
description of our current committers including our PPMC to show areas
you're familiar with. This can help us to assign code reviews and help
to answer related issues.

This idea is from the TVM project. The project contributor page [1]
lists the committers and their tags, e.g., runtime, relay, vm,
compiler, etc. Each tag represents certain components or certain
topics they're interested in/familiar with.

I suggest doing the same to our contributor page [2]. I just came up
with some tags like sgx-sdk, trustzone-sdk, faas-platform, rpc,
attestation, etc. I hope this can give you some ideas of what it
should look like.

Therefore, please reply with your tags to this thread or send a PR to
the website [3] directly. Thanks!


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- [2]
- [3]

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