Hi list,

I've put together a GSoC proposal (as primary mentor) for getting Apache
Thrift support upstreamed for use in the Zephyr Real-Time Operating System.

I'm reaching out to the list to see if anyone here would like to be a
second mentor for the GSoC project.


For those new to Zephyr, it is a scalable RTOS that runs on small IoT
devices with kB of flash and SRAM all the way up to servers with hundreds
of cores. It supports 12 different architectures, 400 boards, and has a
commit velocity that is quickly approaching that of the Linux kernel.
Zephyr is extensible through "modules" (essentially structured external git
repos that can be pulled in via "west").

Zephyr is a Linux Foundation project and is also released under the Apache
2.0 license.


The main Zephyr GitHib repo is here


I've been hacking Thrift for various purposes for about 7 years and Zephyr
for about 5. Since joining Meta a year ago, as part of my official
capacity, I am also the Zephyr LTSv2 Release Manager and an alternate on
the Zephyr TSC.

I am also an outspoken advocate of Thrift at virtually every opportunity.
Over the years, I've led some interesting Thrift hacks:

- using Thrift over a UART
- using Thrift over PCIe
- CBOR protocol
- UDP transport
- MISB 0601 protocol / annotations

Part of the GSoC project will involve contributing back any necessary
changes to Thrift upstream, so it would be good to have a mentor from
Thrift as well.

Would anyone like to volunteer?

I would be happy to answer any additional questions too.



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