Hello all,
I have replaced simple_server.rb and simple_client.rb at
test/rb/integration using attached client and server.
What I have done here is added testVoid and testMultiException to server
and client which are defined in ThriftTest.thrift.
When I run the client against server, I got following error.

[Thrift::Test::Xception2] exception expected, not
Class: <Thrift::TransportException>
Message: <"end of file reached">
`rescue in read'
rb/integration/simple_client.rb:175:in `block in test_multi_exception'

I observed that server works fine when I sent "Xception" as arg0, fails in
other cases. Also client works properly with java and node servers. Any
idea on what is wrong here?

Thank You!

*Chamila Dilshan Wijayarathna,*
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Moratuwa.

Attachment: simple_client.rb
Description: application/ruby

Attachment: simple_server.rb
Description: application/ruby

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