Bug ID: 66018
           Summary: tomcat8.exe and tomcat9.exe when creating a service
                    via command line requires --LogPath
           Product: Tomcat 9
           Version: unspecified
          Hardware: PC
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P2
         Component: Catalina
  Target Milestone: -----

Created attachment 38252
side-by-side comparison between services created with and without --LogPath

Prior to vresions 8.5.78 & 9.0.62 we ran an installation script to create
catalinabase services without passing --LogPath parameter. In the above
mentioned versions if omitted --LogPath from the command string, the service
does not pick up any Java settings.

#region Create Tomcat Service
# Copying tomcat8/w.exe to reflect service name"
Copy-Item $tchome\bin\tomcat8.exe -Destination $tchome\bin\$tcexe -Force
Copy-Item $tchome\bin\tomcat8w.exe -Destination $tchome\bin\$tcwexe -Force

#Store command for creating a Tomcat service
Previous code:
$servicecommandstring = "$tchome\bin\$tcexe //IS//$ServiceName --Install
`"$tchome\bin\$tcexe`" --Description `"catalinabase$CatbaseNumber`" --Startup
auto --JavaHome `"$javahome`" --Jvm `"$javaruntimelib`"  --JvmMs 512 --JvmMx
1024 --JvmOptions
--StartMode jvm --StopMode jvm --StartClass
`"org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap`" --StopClass
`"org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap`" --StartParams start --StopParams stop
--Classpath `"$tchome\bin\bootstrap.jar;$tchome\bin\tomcat-juli.jar`""

New Code: LogPath had to specified
$servicecommandstring = -Join ("$tchome\bin\$tcexe //IS//$ServiceName",
" --Install `"$tchome\bin\$tcexe`"",
" --Description `"catalinabase$CatbaseNumber`"",
" --Startup auto",
" --LogPath `"$catbase\logs`"",
" --JavaHome `"$javahome`"",
" --Jvm `"$javaruntimelib`"",
" --JvmMs 512",
" --JvmMx 1024",
" --JvmOptions
" --StartMode jvm",
" --StopMode jvm",
" --StartClass `"org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap`"",
" --StopClass `"org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap`"",
" --StartParams start",
" --StopParams stop",
" --Classpath `"$tchome\bin\bootstrap.jar;$tchome\bin\tomcat-juli.jar`""
#Convert the string to a scriptblock object

[scriptblock]$servicecommand = [scriptblock]::Create($servicecommandstring)

#Run the command.
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $servicecommand

Please let us know if this is indeed a requirement going forward as this
information normally get passed in the --JvmOption section pointing to location
of the conf\ file

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