Hi all,

after I added some missing functionality to the JsonAccessLogValve I added new tests for the AbstractAccessLogValve and JsonAccessLogValve.

The tests use access log valve classes derived from the two, which write their output to a string. The tests check the log lines resulting from various access log config patterns against an expected regexp.

Feel free to add more test cases to the parameter list in the test class. I added at list one test for each pattern identifier plus for common and combined. Every pattern is tested once with the standard AccessLogValve and once with the Json one.

It would be nice, if some of you with a more unusual setup could run the tests. It shouldn't really matter, whether you run them for TC 8.5, 9, 10.1 or 11, they are almost the same. If most of you will know, you can restartict the tests to the single test class by adding


to build.properties.

The tests succeed in my environment and now also on the CI environment, but it could be, that there are eg. locale or JVM specific subtleties that I might have overlooked.

Thanks and regards,


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