Author: markt
Date: Thu Jul 16 12:46:25 2009
New Revision: 794654

Remove commented out reference to the balancer web-app. This app is not 
included in 6.0.x.


Modified: tomcat/tc6.0.x/trunk/webapps/docs/balancer-howto.xml
--- tomcat/tc6.0.x/trunk/webapps/docs/balancer-howto.xml (original)
+++ tomcat/tc6.0.x/trunk/webapps/docs/balancer-howto.xml Thu Jul 16 12:46:25 
@@ -37,9 +37,6 @@
 Using the JK native connector</a><br />
 <a href="#Using Apache HTTP Server 2.x with mod_proxy">
 Using Apache HTTP Server 2.x and mod_proxy</a><br />
-<a href="#Using the balancer webapp">Using the balancer webapp</a><br />
@@ -58,111 +55,6 @@
-<section name="Using the balancer webapp">
-<subsection name="Overview">
-Tomcat 5.0.15 and later ships with a webapp named balancer.  This is
-a simple implemention of a rules-based load balancer.  It was not designed
-as a replacement for other load-balancing mechanisms used for high traffic
-environments.  Rather, it is a simple, pure Java, easily extensible, and fast
-way to direct traffic among multiple servers.
-Although balancer ships with Tomcat, it is not Tomcat-specific and runs
-on other containers without any modification.  The balancer webapp 
-requires a Servlet Specification 2.3 or later container if you wish 
-to use a filter to redirect traffic.  If you wish to redirect traffic
-using a servlet, you may use any servlet container.
-<subsection name="Sample Configuration">
-The default balancer installation uses a single filter, BalancerFilter,
-mapped to all requests (url-pattern /*).  The filter reads its rules
-from the location specified in the balancer deployment descriptor
-(web.xml file).  The default rules are:
-  <li>Redirect requests with News in the URL to</li>
-  <li>Redirect requests with a parameter named paramName whose
-value is paramValue to</li>
-  <li>Redirect all other requests to</li>
-Therefore, when you install tomcat, start it, and point your
-browser to http://localhost:8080/balancer, you will be redirected
-to  If you point your browser to
-http://localhost:8080/balancer/News you will be redirected to
-  The request for 
-http://localhost:8080/balancer/BlahBlah?paramName=paramValue will
-be redirected to
-<subsection name="Balancer Rules">
-A <i>Rule</i> in the balancer system is a combination of
-a request matching criterion and a redirection URL for
-matching requests.  Rules implement the
-org.apache.webapp.balancer.Rule interface.
-The balancer distribution contains a number of useful
-rules.  The framework is also designed for easy extensibility
-so that you can write your own rules quickly.  Rules
-should be JavaBeans (public no-args constructor, public
-setter method setXXX for property xxx), as they are
-instantiated by Jakarta Commons Digester.  Feel free
-to inquire on the tomcat-user mailing list regarding
-the availability of rules or the inclusion of your rules
-in the distribution.
-Rules are assembled into RuleChains.  Each BalancerFilter
-(or Servlet/JSP) refers to one RuleChain when making its
-redirection decisions.  Note that you are not restricted
-to having one filter mapped to /* as done in the sample
-configuration.  You can configure as many filters as
-desired, using the full filter mapping possibilities defined
-in the Servlet Specification.  Each filter will have
-its own RuleChain.
-<subsection name="How it Works">
-  <li>You write a rules configuration file containing various
-rules and redirection locations.</li>
-  <li>You define the balancer filter in your web.xml, mapping
-it as desired (/* is a common use-case) and configuring it
-with your rules configuration file.</li>
-  <li>The server is started, initializing the filter.</li>
-  <li>A request comes into the server.  The filter consults
-its rule chain to determine where to redirect the request.  Rules
-are consulted in the order in which they are defined in the rules
-configuration file.  The first matching rule will stop the
-evaluation and cause the request to be redirected.</li>
-<subsection name="Comments">
-Please direct questions, comments, suggestions, etc. to the
-tomcat-user mailing list.  Thank you.

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