Hi guys,

on TomEE 7 we have the JMS 2 API.

JMS 2 adds nice things (just an extracted list) like:

- JMSContext syntax sugar
- JMSContext CDI integration (auto management of closes :))
- a timestamp marking when a message has been received

and also some "common" patterns to EE:

- @JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition - not a fan of such configurations
but it is there
- default JMS connection factory - same comment, in particular for JMS
which can need port(s)

Most of these things are now on master in a hybrid implementation
(that's why I used 1.99 and not 2.0 in the subject).

The idea was to not move now to activemq-artemis or apollo (which is
considered "dead" BTW) cause it would impact a lot an existing
ecosystem around activemq 5 so I added these features on top of AMQ
5.13 (current version we rely on). This means you can use JMSContext
and still rely on AMQ5 as a network of broker or with your existing
config without having to learn a new one.

Anyone would be welcomed o join the
testing/fix/enhancement/implementation effort and any feedback would
be very appreciated.

Romain Manni-Bucau
@rmannibucau |  Blog | Github | LinkedIn | Tomitriber

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