What about a bot polling tweets in a github repo - with a scheduled date
for instance? Then PR would be welcomed ;). Just needs a server (or even a
free heroku pby or openshift).
Le mar. 20 nov. 2018 18:57, David Blevins a
écrit :
> I would trust Mark Struberg with access to the twitter account
I would trust Mark Struberg with access to the twitter account to use
impartially. Anyone with access to that account would need to intimately
understand Apache's marketing and trademark policies. Otherwise it's kids
playing with matches.
A little more access could be good to help breath some
We just move things on the list, but will be really awesome to keep the
social accounts updated as well.
Good catch. +1
Em ter, 20 de nov de 2018 às 12:38, César Hernández Mendoza <
cesargu...@gmail.com> escreveu:
> Hi,
> The last post from TomEE Twitter account [1] was on July 13th 2017, in 2
The last post from TomEE Twitter account [1] was on July 13th 2017, in 2016
there were no posts at all.
Is there a process to generate content on this twitter account?
I think at least we could be posting when:
- A new release is available
- New content is generated by the community