Yes, that's why I felt custom subclasses could be a good compromise:

JCasGen handled by Maven, user customizations as subclasses that are kept
under version control.

On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 10:24 AM, Marshall Schor <> wrote:

> good point...
> -Marshall
> On 11/23/2016 8:35 AM, Richard Eckart de Castilho wrote:
> > On 22.11.2016, at 21:33, Marshall Schor <> wrote:
> >> Yes, I believe that is correct - the Maven plugin does not support
> "merging"
> >> with already generated customized JCasGen cover classes.
> >>
> >> If that was a requirement, I suspect (with some work, and dependencies
> such as
> >> you need to have an Eclipse installation...) it could be added.
> > I don't think that fits in well with a Maven-based build, does it?
> > I mean, customized code would be under version control. If JCasGen
> > would run over that and update it, then the code would always be
> > dirty... Using JCasGen in a Maven build for customized classes would
> > require a strategy to somehow separate the generated code and the
> > customized aspects, such that the first is under version control
> > but not that latter.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > -- Richard

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