
regarding the Cas editor, I would like to programmatically set the initially highlighted annotation types. As far as I know, this is done by persistent properties of the typesystem resource ('CAS_EDITOR_SESSION_PROPERTIES' -> "LastShownTypes"), as done in

org.apache.uima.caseditor.ide.DefaultCasDocumentProvider.SaveSessionPreferencesTrigger.propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event).

However, this string regularly exceeds the persistent properties limits (>2KB) [UIMA-3579] in my projects (not sure if other users experienced the same problem).

Therefore, I wonder if we can introduce a search strategy for this task, or use a method to persist the state that allows for >2KB data, which could be similar to the annotation style preference serialization in void org.apache.uima.caseditor.ide.DefaultCasDocumentProvider.saveTypeSystemPreferenceStore(Object element).


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