HI to all Ive now made sure that the Google doc has got read / write access 
when opening with that link . It would be good if any one had input to speak up 
now as this will be a better SDK when all the Usergrid comunity  has  input so 
every idea and most users needs can be catered for.  I was hoping to get the 
design done by the end of this week so I can start on this the last week of 
November which should let me get it done hopefully just before Christmas.

Thanks add you input the proposal doc.

Jason Kristian | Director | Apps 4 U Pty Ltd.
ph: +61 075699 8109
mob: +61 0411 389 392
e: Jason Kristian <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au>

> On 14 Nov 2014, at 1:47 pm, Jason Kristian <jas...@apps4u.com.au> wrote:
> this link has edit permission 
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fd6zGpNEUh8KwrcIjK3W4aZ8gHlKax79qZFmc6F-kIA/edit?usp=sharing
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fd6zGpNEUh8KwrcIjK3W4aZ8gHlKax79qZFmc6F-kIA/edit?usp=sharing>
> Jason Kristian | Director | Apps 4 U Pty Ltd.
> ph: +61 075699 8109
> mob: +61 0411 389 392
> e: Jason Kristian <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au>
>> On 14 Nov 2014, at 1:46 pm, Jason Kristian <jas...@apps4u.com.au> wrote:
>> Sorry Ill look it the doc it should be editable . and Yes I didn’t write 
>> unit Test It will contain UnitTest I unitTest all my code ad as its a 
>> requirement for Usergrid contribution.
>> Jason Kristian | Director | Apps 4 U Pty Ltd.
>> ph: +61 075699 8109
>> mob: +61 0411 389 392
>> e: Jason Kristian <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au>
>>> On 14 Nov 2014, at 8:33 am, Rod Simpson <r...@rodsimpson.com 
>>> <mailto:r...@rodsimpson.com>> wrote:
>>> Jason, it looks like I can’t edit or comment on that doc.  One thing I 
>>> don’t see mentioned is Unit / e2e tests.  It would be great if we were 
>>> designing those from the start.  Also, samples.  It would be awesome if we 
>>> had some samples - especially for the get-up-and-going things.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -- 
>>> Rod Simpson
>>> @rockerston
>>> rodsimpson.com <http://rodsimpson.com/>
>>> On November 13, 2014 at 3:26:48 PM, Rod Simpson (r...@rodsimpson.com) wrote:
>>> Jason,
>>> Nice way to start this out!
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fd6zGpNEUh8KwrcIjK3W4aZ8gHlKax79qZFmc6F-kIA/edit?usp=sharing
>>> I am reviewing now.
>>> -- 
>>> Rod Simpson
>>> @rockerston
>>> rodsimpson.com
>>> On November 12, 2014 at 11:15:18 PM, Jason Kristian (jas...@apps4u.com.au) 
>>> wrote:
>>> This is a link to the new iOS SDK proposal as it would help if any one with 
>>> ideas or suggestions gave the input as the more input we have the better 
>>> the end result.
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fd6zGpNEUh8KwrcIjK3W4aZ8gHlKax79qZFmc6F-kIA/edit?usp=sharing
>>> Jason Kristian | Director | Apps 4 U Pty Ltd.
>>> ph: +61 075699 8109
>>> mob: +61 0411 389 392
>>> e: Jason Kristian <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au>
>>>> On 13 Nov 2014, at 12:06 pm, Jason Kristian <jas...@apps4u.com.au> wrote:
>>>> Cool ,
>>>> The libraries I would select will have to meet a few guideline that we 
>>>> (the Usergrid community) can se. Like for example license , stable is it 
>>>> going to be around , etc.
>>>> Yes I would like to have JSON handling done right this is why I thought 
>>>> that the idea that the SDK be open to use other libraries for just that 
>>>> reason JSON, Network, etc.
>>>> What I really would like to do is put together a proposal and then have 
>>>> the community comment , edit , add ideas to its so we can have a plan and 
>>>> set some guideline for example the usage of 3rd party Libraries.
>>>> And Yes I agree that this should start from scratch and not use 
>>>> Apigee-iOSSDK only as I think we should take the approach that it be 
>>>> modular and extendable . All of us that Usergrid in commercial way have 
>>>> all added Api to Usergrid itself or through some Node JS reverse proxy and 
>>>> it would be good if it was easy to make http calls to custom endpoints 
>>>> using that same SDK.
>>>> I was look at where I could create this proposal document . I was thinking 
>>>> I use Google doc’s and send to mailing list or is there a places where I 
>>>> could create a proposal document.
>>>> Jason Kristian | Director | Apps 4 U Pty Ltd.
>>>> ph: +61 075699 8109
>>>> mob: +61 0411 389 392
>>>> e: Jason Kristian <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au 
>>>> <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au>>
>>>>> On 13 Nov 2014, at 2:29 am, Rod Simpson <r...@rodsimpson.com 
>>>>> <mailto:r...@rodsimpson.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Jason,
>>>>> It is awesome to see your enthusiasm. My personal preference would be 
>>>>> that we don’t work from the Apigee SDK. That codebase is quite old and is 
>>>>> definitely not the way we would architect it from scratch today.
>>>>> Your idea of using RESTKit or AFNetworking is great. As you select 
>>>>> libraries to use, be mindful of their license compatibility with Apache. 
>>>>> RESTKit is Apache 2.0 already, so that is perfect.
>>>>> The one question I have is unit / e2e testing. That is something that is 
>>>>> really missing in the current iOS SDK. At one point, there was some work 
>>>>> done with Lua to create a little framework for testing but it never 
>>>>> really went anywhere. Having guardrails in place from the start would 
>>>>> make it a lot easier for other developers to get in and help work on the 
>>>>> project.
>>>>> #4, interoperation with Swift would be great.
>>>>> What are you thinking about for handling JSON?
>>>>> And of course, #5 would be icing on the cake :)
>>>>> Rod
>>>>> --
>>>>> Rod Simpson
>>>>> @rockerston
>>>>> rodsimpson.com <http://rodsimpson.com/> <http://rodsimpson.com/ 
>>>>> <http://rodsimpson.com/>>
>>>>> On November 11, 2014 at 8:44:48 PM, Jason Kristian (jas...@apps4u.com.au 
>>>>> <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au> <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au 
>>>>> <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au>>) wrote:
>>>>> HI All , Ive been looking at updating the iOS SDK which Ive got some good 
>>>>> ideas for now there are a few options on what can be done for example 
>>>>> with could build on the current SDK or fork apogee iOS sdks ,
>>>>> or we can start fresh and use a networking Library as it core like 
>>>>> AFNetworking or RESTKit which its self is build on AFNetworking, IM happy 
>>>>> to put the time into this and I can spare one staff member to help me but 
>>>>> I don’t want t start
>>>>> as I think these core idea need to be decided by the Usergrid community. 
>>>>> So I would love some feed back on how this should be designed Ive got 
>>>>> some of my own Idea which I’ll share now.
>>>>> 1- I think it should be package managed from the start. — CocoaPods
>>>>> 2- I think it should take advantage of other libraries — why reinvent the 
>>>>> wheel. there are plenty of good networking libraries at are well 
>>>>> supported that will handle networking better .
>>>>> 3- I should be easy to extend easy to add new collection model classes.
>>>>> 4- I use Good objective-c convention to better interoperate with Swift.
>>>>> 5- Be fun to use..
>>>>> Any thought would be good as I said I’m happy to put the work in I just 
>>>>> need a path to follow. these Idea are just mine if this is not what every 
>>>>> one whats then I’ll go along with whats decided .
>>>>> Jason Kristian | Director | Apps 4 U Pty Ltd.
>>>>> ph: +61 075699 8109
>>>>> mob: +61 0411 389 392
>>>>> e: Jason Kristian <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au 
>>>>> <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au> <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au 
>>>>> <mailto:jas...@apps4u.com.au>>>

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