Hi Dinesh,
Thanks for the tip on the .svn folder. I deleted it under the
repository/deployment/server and the new value was successfully applied.
Chamila de Alwis
Committer and PMC Member - Apache Stratos
Software Engineer | WSO2 | +94772207163
Blog: code.chamiladealwis.com
On Wed, S
Hi Dinesh,
The SVN server is accessible without any issue, as I can browse it through
HTTP. Before using SVNKit the error message also showed the URL it was
trying to reach, and it was the older URL. So the issue is with the
DeploymentSynchronization as it doesn't seem to pickup the updated URL.
Hi Chamila,
It seems like that your new SVN server url cannot be resolved from the
client. See the error message "java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to
host". Can you try to check whether you can reach the SVN server using ping
or tracert.
*Dinesh J. Weerakkody*
Software Engineer
I've setup an ESB (4.9.0) cluster with one manager and two workers, with
SVN DepSync. This was working initially, however after changing the SVN url
to a different one, the deployment synchronization task fails when the
server is started. The SVN url it's using is still the old one. The SVN