Hi guys,

I'm trying to create a capp for a deployment which has a significant amount
of artifacts. This is to be deployed in DAS. When I try to deploy the car
file I get the error below.

[2015-09-22 17:27:26,658] ERROR
{org.wso2.carbon.application.deployer.handler.DefaultAppDeployer} -
 event/execution-plan type must have a single file to be deployed. But 28
files found.
[2015-09-22 17:27:26,658] ERROR
{org.wso2.carbon.event.application.deployer.EventProcessingAppDeployer} -
 Synapse artifact types must have a single file to be deployed. But 28
files found..

I get the same error for streams as well since I have 18 files. If I create
separate folders for each artifact, then I can deploy it without a problem.
(I tried this out on just 2 streams)

Is there a better solution to this? Especially in situations where we have
large amounts of artifacts, creating such a complex folder structure is

Notet:- I did not try this on DevStudio. Will DevStudio create the folder
structure for me?

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