*WSO2 AppFactory 2.2.0 Milestone ​4​ Released!*

WSO2 AppFactory team is pleased to announce the release of version 2.2.0-M
of the WSO2 App Factory.

WSO2 App Factory is a multi-tenant, elastic and self-service enterprise
platform that enables multiple project teams to collaboratively create, run
and manage enterprise applications. Combining complete application
lifecycle management and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) capabilities, WSO2
App Factory makes it possible to develop, test, deploy to production and
retire applications with a single click. It also provides an easy way to
discover and consume apps and APIs through a user-friendly storefront.

*New Features & Improvements​​*

   - ​​
   UX Improvements
   ​ for build & deploy, repository, team, lifec
   ​runtime ​
   logs, settings,
   ​ databases pages.​

   - ​
   ug fixes for appmgt application

*All resolved Issues*

   - WSO2 App Factory Resolved Issues in 2.2.0-M4

​* ​
The distribution is available to download at [1].
​* ​
Source repository for App Factory can be found at [2].
​* ​
Puppet manifests for App Factory can be found at [3].

We encourage you to report issues, documentation faults and feature
requests regarding WSO2 AppFactory through the public WSO2 AppFactory JIRA


[2]. https://github.com/wso2/product-af/tree/wso2appfactory-2.2.0-M4
[3]. https://github.com/wso2/product-af/tree/wso2appfactory-2.2.0-M

*-- The WSO2 App Factory Team --*

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