WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Beta2 Released!

WSO2 API Manager team is pleased to announce the Beta2 release of WSO2 API
Manager 1.9.0.
This release includes following features,improvements and bug fixes.

   - [APIMANAGER-1271 <>] -
   Com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Specified key
   was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
   - [APIMANAGER-1821 <>] - Add
   complete logs to authentication API request. This should contain token
   validation time as well
   - [APIMANAGER-1940 <>] -
   Even if the API fails to get published the state is mentioned as 'Published'
   - [APIMANAGER-1977 <>] -
   UTF-8 application names not working correctly in API Manager
   - [APIMANAGER-1993 <>] - API
   Store CSS does not render in IE 8
   - [APIMANAGER-2049 <>] -
   Task not updated/removed when user is deleted
   - [APIMANAGER-2052 <>] - API
   gray-scaling for unapproved subscriptions does not work on firefox
   - [APIMANAGER-2055 <>] -
   Http client calls should not thrown an exception when they got responses
   with 500, 503 response code
   - [APIMANAGER-2130 <>] -
   NotSerializableException error throws , when try to login to replication
   enabled cluster
   - [APIMANAGER-2269 <>] - API
   detail page (api-info)'s "API Console" tab sometimes shows empty, fills on
   reload: Swagger's jQuery library conflict?
   - [APIMANAGER-2392 <>] -
   Issue with NTLM grant type [When checked with 2 windows machines connect to
   same AD and windows domain]
   - [APIMANAGER-2689 <>] -
   Forum reply table spans out of the page border [Browser issue].
   - [APIMANAGER-2695 <>] -
   APIs(once published) in any status can be published to external stores
   - [APIMANAGER-2724 <>] -
   Error when requesting userinfo for password based token
   - [APIMANAGER-2743 <>] -
   Application throttling tier changes are not immediately applied when
   gateway cache is enabled
   - [APIMANAGER-2750 <>] -
   Multiple subscription entries for an API for the same user and application
   observed intermittently
   - [APIMANAGER-2889 <>] - the
   module that creates API scopes need to show mandatory fields and validate
   for data when creating
   - [APIMANAGER-2895 <>] -
   publisher module does not validate if the user role given within the scope
   is existent within the user store
   - [APIMANAGER-3155 <>] -
   Issues with API grouping based on tags
   - [APIMANAGER-3173 <>] -
   [Publisher] WADL link validation always shows invalid
   - [APIMANAGER-3188 <>] -
   Issue in editing the Response Content Type under Resources in Publisher
   - [APIMANAGER-3222 <>] -
   Issue in the Sign-up password field in the Store
   - [APIMANAGER-3236 <>] -
   Access token generated through API-Store UI, different from the one
   retrieved through token API for super tenant admin
   - [APIMANAGER-3240 <>] -
   mc.setJsonPayload in inline JS implementation wraps the response in
   - [APIMANAGER-3241 <>] -
   mc.setJsonPayload in inline JS implementation returns boolean values as
   - [APIMANAGER-3256 <>] -
   Duplicated Life-Cycle History information when LC state is updated in
   - [APIMANAGER-3260 <>] -
   Import Swagger Definition fails with exception in logs
   - [APIMANAGER-3284 <>] - API
   Manager sets default tiers randomly when "unlimited" is not available
   - [APIMANAGER-3362 <>] -
   [IS500 with APIM180 KM & SSO] SSO login to APIM180 Publisher/Store gives
   NPE in IS500 fresh pack with APIM180 KM feature
   - [APIMANAGER-3382 <>] - UI
   Break in Publisher app
   - [APIMANAGER-3407 <>] - API
   version is showed twice in API edit mode of Implement and Manage pages
   - [APIMANAGER-3408 <>] - API
   console sends an incorrect request to the backend
   - [APIMANAGER-3419 <>] - SSO
   not working for Publisher when reverse proxy enabled
   - [APIMANAGER-3438 <>] -
   Swagger Definition haven't included correct tiers which are added to a API
   - [APIMANAGER-3457 <>] -
   Destination Based usage tracking is not working for auth-none APIs
   - [APIMANAGER-3458 <>] - BAM
   Profile is wrongly configured if we have more than one BAM receiver URLs in
   - [APIMANAGER-3489 <>] - API
   store applications doesn't save the changes make by editing.
   - [APIMANAGER-3493 <>] -
   SecurityContextTTL is not used in JWT expiration. but used to calculate JWT
   expiration time
   - [APIMANAGER-3494 <>] -
   Please validate roles specified by user when adding a Oauth Scope
   - [APIMANAGER-3505 <>] -
   Endpoint Test button shows always as invalid
   - [APIMANAGER-3511 <>] -
   Point the documentations to the latest 1.9.0 documentation. Currently its
   being pointed to 1.7.0 and 1.8.0
   - [APIMANAGER-3515 <>] -
   Abnormal behaviour when using the password of api end point url with some
   characters " ' < % & + in 1.9.0 SNAPSHOT
   - [APIMANAGER-3517 <>] -
   Forum rating is not visible in the star rating
   - [APIMANAGER-3523 <>] - It
   should provide a tool tip that it allows {version} or it should suport
   {Version} as well
   - [APIMANAGER-3525 <>] -
   OpenID scope should pass through scope validator
   - [APIMANAGER-3528 <>] -
   Cannot view Configure Analytics page on second time. (API-M dashboard)
   - [APIMANAGER-3530 <>] -
   Error when update the resource throttling of a API which was created using
   curl command in APIM 1.9.0 SNAPSHOT
   - [APIMANAGER-3541 <>] -
   [Samples: NTLMGrantClient ]: The sample does not work; throws an exception
   when built
   - [APIMANAGER-3550 <>] -
   REJECTD/ON_HOLD Subscriptions listed under subscription page in API
   - [APIMANAGER-3556 <>] -
   Warning Message is not displayed if visibility is changed from "Public" to
   "Visible to my domain"
   - [APIMANAGER-3557 <>] - It
   takes time to load the error code icon in API Console in Store
   - [APIMANAGER-3560 <>] -
   When updating Public Forum,Support Forum document it allows to click inline
   option on the first time
   - [APIMANAGER-3564 <>] -
   Cache Mediator is not work for the CDATA elements in a soap envelope
   - [APIMANAGER-3565 <>] -
   Store Statistics on API Usage from Resource Path API name and app name only
   showing in first row.
   - [APIMANAGER-3567 <>] -
   Error while changing the theme on API store
   - [APIMANAGER-3568 <>] -
   Transport http option is not being selected in an API when you try to edit
   - [APIMANAGER-3569 <>] -
   When you press enter on Authorization : Bearer text box in store it goes to
   a broken page
   - [APIMANAGER-3571 <>] - For
   tenants, 'Parameters' added for 'API Resource Methods' are lost in edit mode
   - [APIMANAGER-3573 <>] -
   Cannot Publish APIs to External Stores When http transport is disabled.
   - [APIMANAGER-3575 <>] -
   Incorrect page redirecting once session invalidated - Publisher
   - [APIMANAGER-3576 <>] -
   ApiUsageFromUserAgents not working (publishing API Runtime Statistics)
   - [APIMANAGER-3578 <>] -
   Wrong error code is returned when the access token is inactive and expired
   - [APIMANAGER-3583 <>] - A
   validation should be fired when a user tries to add the same resource to an
   api with a / at the end and without / in the first step
   - [APIMANAGER-3584 <>] - If
   OPTIONS method is used in an API with the resource path similar to what's
   given in POST/PUT methods, the API invocation for those methods fails with
   - [APIMANAGER-3586 <>] -
   Inconsistency in Access-Control-Allow-Methods returned with the response
   with and without the OPTIONS method
   - [APIMANAGER-3587 <>] - Can
   create multiple API with same context and same version but only allow to
   publish one at a time in 1.9.0 SNAPSHOT
   - [APIMANAGER-3593 <>] -
   'path' parameter type should be there in the drop down as an option when
   you define API methods
   - [APIMANAGER-3594 <>] -
   Selected scopes are being unselected in store eventhough you regenerate keys
   - [APIMANAGER-3595 <>] -
   When a user regenerates the key for a subscribed app and then select the
   scope and try to regenerate keys, it will not save the scope and still it
   will generate the keys for the default scope
   - [APIMANAGER-3596 <>] -
   When you delete a scope and publish the api, in store it will repeat the
   other scope name if the app is subscribed to multiple scopes
   - [APIMANAGER-3598 <>] - In
   store > my subscription page generated keys cannot copy using copy icon.
   - [APIMANAGER-3599 <>] -
   Error thrown when searching for a forum topic
   - [APIMANAGER-3601 <>] -
   Gateway does not return PUT as an allowed method when a OPTIONS call is
   done to an API (even when OPTIONS method is not selected for the API)
   - [APIMANAGER-3602 <>] -
   "org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions" occurs when and logged in
   subscriber click on an API in the api store.
   - [APIMANAGER-3606 <>] -
   Cannot invoke APIs from the "Default API URL" when APIs are created with a
   pluggable version context
   - [APIMANAGER-3607 <>] - API
   Deprecation does not work - Context does not set
   - [APIMANAGER-3608 <>] -
   Issues in Privacy page in Store
   - [APIMANAGER-3609 <>] -
   Scopes validation should be done for the all APIs not for a particular API
   - [APIMANAGER-3610 <>] - API
   Console fails for PROTOTYPED APIs with CORS issues
   - [APIMANAGER-3611 <>] -
   Tenant getting unuseful when the server in idle after BAM configure
   - [APIMANAGER-3612 <>] -
   Headers went missing in the API Store that load when clicking on 'Go to API
   Store' button which you get while publishing APIs
   - [APIMANAGER-3615 <>] - API
   Manager - Design API page takes more then 10 sec to switch between entry
   - [APIMANAGER-3616 <>] - API
   resources cannot edit once API is created/published - tenant mood only
   - [APIMANAGER-3619 <>] - In
   API store when user keep validity time empty and click on regenerate
   validity time field gets disappeared
   - [APIMANAGER-3620 <>] -
   When user creates a application token given validity period -1, validity
   time in the database doesn't get updated with the correct value.
   - [APIMANAGER-3621 <>] - In
   application store application token generation doesn't work properly when
   user keep clicking on re-generation button
   - [APIMANAGER-3622 <>] -
   (Migration 1.8.0 to 1.9.0) server startup error after creating tenants
   - [APIMANAGER-3623 <>] -
   WSDL File not saved in the registry
   - [APIMANAGER-3624 <>] -
   Some options don't show when trying to publish a prototyped API
   - [APIMANAGER-3627 <>] - New
   Swagger console shows errors
   - [APIMANAGER-3630 <>] -
   (Migration 1.8.0 to 1.9.0) Context version isn't copying
   - [APIMANAGER-3631 <>] -
   Changes done to API with related to scopes are being affected after
   - [APIMANAGER-3633 <>] -
   Error message not descriptive when doing re subscription of a blocked API
   - [APIMANAGER-3635 <>] -
   Parameter Type is not being saved in tenant mode when you edit the API. It
   takes the value being set at first place
   - [APIMANAGER-3636 <>] -
   When Blocked API invoke using swagger response from server is not returning
   - [APIMANAGER-3637 <>] -
   Token generation for scopes in tenant mode is broken through UI
   - [APIMANAGER-3639 <>] -
   Access failure due to Token expiry before elapsing validity time
   - [APIMANAGER-3641 <>] -
   Secured APIs can't be made back as Unsecured.
   - [APIMANAGER-3642 <>] -
   Broken page if you access manage API page after session expiration
   - [APIMANAGER-3644 <>] -
   [Intermittent] User directs to a Error 500 : The page cannot be displayed
   page during subscription
   - [APIMANAGER-3646 <>] - API
   method (GET) can be invoked via application user token eventhough I have
   defined to invoke it only via application token.
   - [APIMANAGER-3649 <>] -
   Error When username contains more than 30 characters in Self Sign up of API
   - [APIMANAGER-3651 <>] -
   Sharing capabilities for Applications feature - when user specifies
   organization name with a space it is considered as another organisation.
   - [APIMANAGER-3653 <>] -
   Sharing capabilities for Applications (subscriptions) feature doesn't work
   for tenant users
   - [APIMANAGER-3655 <>] - API
   Console is not working when API is with URL templates added from Publisher
   - [APIMANAGER-3657 <>] -
   Visibility changed warning popup appearing each time Private/restried API
   is loaded
   - [APIMANAGER-3658 <>] -
   Sample API Visibility need to be changed as "public"
   - [APIMANAGER-3661 <>] -
   User cannot press implement stage after given a large size of image for icon
   - [APIMANAGER-3662 <>] -
   Store missing headers when you click the Go To API store link in publisher
   when you configure an external API store
   - [APIMANAGER-3664 <>] -
   Cannot download WSDL files from store and publisher that are uploaded in
   publisher if the API is created with visibility set to my domain or
   restricted by role
   - [APIMANAGER-3665 <>] - In
   windows environment APIM-1.9.0 latest build pack - 26-05-2015 is unable to
   - [APIMANAGER-3666 <>] -
   User cannot generate keys at any time if tries to generate keys for the
   first time by a different user
   - [APIMANAGER-3677 <>] -
   (Migration 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 oracle) Start-up error while migrate
   - [APIMANAGER-3683 <>] -
   When you try to delete with a payload, APIM drops the payload
   - [APIMANAGER-3687 <>] -
   Destination based usage tracking is not working


   - [APIMANAGER-1335 <>] -
   Create Script to Test Visibility in Public, Private Restricted APIs
   - [APIMANAGER-1765 <>] -
   [Store-APIs] Tier availability for an API is not returned in the set of
   apis returned when called the store/site/blocks/api/listing/ajax/list.jag
   - [APIMANAGER-2270 <>] -
   Upgrade wso2's jQuery version to 1.9.0 or greater
   - [APIMANAGER-2854 <>] -
   Remove message logging from APIManagerExtensionHandler
   - [APIMANAGER-3069 <>] -
   There is no option displayed to delete added Swagger API definition
   - [APIMANAGER-3143 <>] -
   Need to remove author info from API Cloud
   - [APIMANAGER-3235 <>] -
   OPTIONS method is shown in the API Console
   - [APIMANAGER-3255 <>] -
   Introduce a Publisher API to import swagger definition using a file or a URL
   - [APIMANAGER-3336 <>] -
   Improve the SAML2BearerGrantHandler with role based scope validation by
   extracting roles from SAML2 Assertion
   - [APIMANAGER-3393 <>] - New
   API - Get list of tiers available for API
   - [APIMANAGER-3394 <>] - New
   API - List of all available tiers in API-M deployment
   - [APIMANAGER-3424 <>] - No
   Tier Availability warning if change to Available to specific tenants
   - [APIMANAGER-3524 <>] -
   Expose API for deleting a subscription by the applicationName
   - [APIMANAGER-3582 <>] -
   Need an option to delete Parameters that we add for 'Resource Methods'
   - [APIMANAGER-3604 <>] -
   When scopes are not defined, pls include a proper message
   - [APIMANAGER-3605 <>] -
   Provide ability to skip certain scopes being validated
   - [APIMANAGER-3626 <>] -
   Grammar issue in the UI


   - [APIMANAGER-2241 <>] -
   ConcurrentModificationException at server startup

Your feedback are most welcome !!! Please report all the Jiras at [6] and
specify the affected version as 1.9.0 Beta2

[3] AM Store : https://{host}:{9763}/store
[4] AM Publisher : https://{host}:{9763}/publisher
[5] AM Roadmap :

API Manager Team.

Lakmali Baminiwatta
 Senior Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.:
mobile:  +94 71 2335936
blog :
Dev mailing list

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