Greg Senia created ZEPPELIN-1472:

             Summary: Create new LdapRealm based on Apache Knox LdapRealm Class
                 Key: ZEPPELIN-1472
             Project: Zeppelin
          Issue Type: Improvement
    Affects Versions: 0.6.1
            Reporter: Greg Senia
             Fix For: 0.7.0

In our environment we attempted to use the ActiveDirectoryGroupRealm and the 
LdapGroupRealm but unfortunately those implementations against Shiro do not 
support ADLDAP Global Catalog. Also searching on "userPrincipalName" is risky 
in an AD environment since the explicit UPN vs Implicit UPN can be different. 
And the LDAP userPrincipalName attribute is the explicit UPN which can be 
defined by the directory administrator to any value and it can be duplicated.. 
SamAccountName is unique per domain and Microsoft states best practice is to 
not allow duplicate samAccountName's per the forest. I have attached a 
semi-working modified KnoxLdapRealm which works against samAccountName and 
global catalog for auth.

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