On Friday, February 7, 2014 7:51:28 PM UTC+5, pazos wrote:
> @Daniel: Did you read any of my posts here?
> I resume: 
>          - bootloader changed between 1.0 & 1.1
>          - bootloader checks for kernel signature (rebooting if it does NOT 
> match)
>          - kernel is inside boot.img and boot.img changes too between 1.0 & 
> 1.1
>          - now, the only way you have to build a working B2G flasheable from 
> 1.1.0B02 is modifying boot.img from 1.1 accordly to sl.edujose.org 
> instructions.
> I'm actually working on generating boot.img from the device tree itself 
> (merging init scripts from zte's boot.img) and getting the kernel (and other 
> blobs like charger binary) from the device. This is the ONLY solution for the 
> bootloop issue, because we can't control which version the user has installed 
> on his/her phone
> look here 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/mozilla.dev.b2g/rAWVSNDDHnU/HtZ4CqOoH7QJ

Can you provide me flashable zip file of 1.3 for ZTE Open(UK)?
I've tried every file and also tried to flash from Fastboot but always sitting 
on Fox after flash :D
Thanks :)

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