46 out of 48 tests passed for the 2014-01-17 Buri Master M-C Mozilla RIL Build. 
There is one new issue and one existing blocker that kept the smoketests from 
fully passing. 

Mozilla RIL Build Smoketest Results:
Daily Smoke Test Logs:
Moztrap link: https://moztrap.mozilla.org/runtests/run/3181/env/347/

Tests Were Performed With:
Build ID: 20140117041037 
Gecko: b53589696cf8 
Gaia: ef8bb31b462f364b57432a0724c78034d3f4f303 
Base Image: V1.2-device.cfg
1 reboot
0 crashes

New Bugs Breaking the Smoketests:
- [CostControl] Data mobile usage is not counted, the value is always 0.00 B 

Existing Bugs Breaking the Smoketests:
- [B2G] Sign In to Persona screen keeps reloading when user attempts to enter 
in sign in credentials https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=958230

New Issues Not Breaking the Smoketests:
- None reported.


Mozilla QA Team

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