Hello party people (it's Friday!),

We held a Mobile Tech Leads meeting on Wednesday (NA/EU timezones).  We
discussed only one topic: how does Storage and Sync fit into the Android
Components ecosystem.  The discussion was somewhat "at arm's length"
because we did not have the AU representatives from the Application
Services team attending.  This discussion is still very active; that's
mostly why I didn't circulate these notes the very next day.  The broad
strokes are:

   - The Android Components team wants a flexible approach to data storage
   for consumers
   - The Application Services team is bound by the constraints of the
   existing Sync 1.5 data model

and trying to reconcile these two positions is generating a lot of
(metaphorical, Google Document) ink.  I'll follow up with more after next
week's meeting (Oct 3).

There were also a few unspoken updates

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