Hi All,

Last week we shipped FxA train-85 to production, with the following

* Lots of small fixes and tweaks to get all our servers running properly
under Docker; this has allowed us to deploy a dockerized dev environment at

* We've added some additional API endpoints to support the "secondary
emails" feature, which we've now got up and running in a custom dev
environment at http://emails3.dev.lcip.org

* It's now possible to include a "msgctxt" alongside strings extracted for
localization, to indicate when e.g. two instances of the English phrase
"Sign In" are used in two different contexts that may require different
treatments during translation.  This has been a long-requested feature for

* We briefly shipped the "web sessions" feature to all users, showing
web-based login sessions alongside connected devices and apps in the
settings page.  Unfortunately we had to roll it back due to large numbers
of orphaned web login sessions cluttering up the view.

* We removed support for the "verification_redirect" query parameter; no
existing reliers were using it, and it was adding significant complexity to
our functional test suite.

* Mobile devices will now display with the correct icon in the "devices and
apps" screen; for a while there they were being displayed with a laptop

* We've improved the error messages for users who get stuck after an email
bounce, although there are yet more improvements in the works.

* Our API endpoints now escape HTML special characters like "<" and in ">"
in JSON output strings, as an extra layer of protection against buggy
behaviour in certain older browsers.

Special thanks go to the following community contributors, who have code
shipping in this train:

* Princi Vershwal, who made the "Add…" buttons on the settings page blue in
order to draw the user's attention to items that need action.

As always, you can find more details in the changelogs for each repo:


There are also detailed PR metrics included below if you're interested.




This train we had a total of 68 PRs and 72 reviews.
That includes work on the following features:

 * FxA-122: DevOps Q2:                            1 PRs (now    7 /  23 =
30% complete)
 * FxA-27: Add additional emails (Phase 1):       1 PRs (now   41 /  43 =
95% complete)
 * FxA-51: Mobile Push Pt1: post-verify page:     2 PRs (now   22 /  29 =
76% complete)
 * FxA-53: Mobile Push Pt2: SMS install link:     2 PRs (now   87 /  91 =
96% complete)
 * FxA-56: Email deliverability:                  2 PRs (now   17 /  20 =
85% complete)
 * FxA-67: dockerflow everywhere:                10 PRs (now   27 /  28 =
96% complete)

Along with 50 general quality improvements
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