On 22/05/05 17:14, Michael Heydekamp wrote:

> Martin Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 22.05.05:
>>All the time I've been using FreeXP, I've had the TZ environment
>>variable set as follows:
>>SET TZ=GMT0BST,3,-1,0,7200,10,-1,0,7200,3600
>>This has always worked with FreeXP
> It does not only with FreeXP (also with PGP for instance).
>>but recently, I've been playing about with GoldED+ which does not
>>recognise the TZ environment variable in the above format. I've had to
>>change it to the following for GoldED+:
>>SET TZ=GMT0BST,M3.5.0/02:00,M10.5.0/02:00
>>My question is, which one is correct?
> Both.  The format we use is a "classic" IBM (OS/2) format and compatible
> with PGP, while the other format GoldEd uses looks is in POSIX style (at
> least this is what I came up with when I did a Google search).
> Look at this message and the entire thread around it:
> http://groups.google.de/group/comp.os.msdos.4dos/msg/465120186bb33fcd?hl=de

That's a very interesting article, thanks.
I've saved it for future reference ;-)

> When I implemented the timezone feature in FreeXP, I simply used the
> same format Robert Böck also used for XP2.  

Yes, I already knew that ;)

> Anyway, we should probably make FreeXP to support both formats, as the POSIX 
> style seems to be the
> more current standard.

Yes I agree, the POSIX style does seem to crop up more than the other one.


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