[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLWORKFLOW-305) As a publisher I should be able to take control of an "InProgress" workitem
Title: Message Title Richard Gange updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLWORKFLOW-305) As a publisher I should be able to take control of an "InProgress" workitem
Title: Message Title Richard Gange updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLWORKFLOW-305) As a publisher I should be able to take control of an "InProgress" workitem
Title: Message Title Richard Gange updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLWORKFLOW-305) As a publisher I should be able to take control of an "InProgress" workflow
Title: Message Title Richard Gange created an issue
[magnolia-dev] Action's icon
I have action that has icon properties. When the icon property is set to icon-redo, icon-edit or icon-tick the icon is displayed correctly in the action bar. However when I set icon property to icon-arrow-link the icon is not rendered. I also tried to modify icon in the contact's app in Magnol
[magnolia-dev] Re: How to create multiple areas in magnolia 5.4
Hello Have a look at https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Area+definition If you are new to Magnolia, i recommend to start with https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/Hello+Magnolia Feel free to go ahead asking more question, but try to ask as specific as possible
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (BLOSSOM-218) BeanInstantiationException exception when binding javax.jcr.Node request param?
Title: Message Title Dominika created an issue
[magnolia-dev] Re: how to create layout in magnolia5.4
Hello bhargav Do you want to know where to implement the layout of a page template? This hasn't changed with new Magnolia version. However, since Magnolia 5.4 we recommend using MTE instead of STK if you start a new project. See https://documentation.magnolia-cms.com/display/DOCS/MTE+and+STK Th
[magnolia-dev] How to create multiple areas in magnolia 5.4
explain,how to create multiple areas in magnolia 5.4 -- Context is everything: http://forum.magnolia-cms.com/forum/thread.html?threadId=d8726754-ee0f-4f8c-864f-f7fd51bf91d0 For list details, see: http://www.magnolia-cms.com/commu
[magnolia-dev] how to create layout in magnolia5.4
how to create layout in magnolia5.4 -- Context is everything: http://forum.magnolia-cms.com/forum/thread.html?threadId=d63a4e97-019b-469d-9014-73ab45c5fc1b For list details, see: http://www.magnolia-cms.com/community/mailing-list
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-2624) Show popup with hidden tabs, if there are too many tabs to fit in one row
Title: Message Title Aleksandr Pchelintcev updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3490) Streamline form field attributes handling
Title: Message Title Aleksandr Pchelintcev updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3452) Using keyboard to switch and select tab
Title: Message Title Aleksandr Pchelintcev updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-2624) Show popup with hidden tabs, if there are too many tabs to fit in one row
Title: Message Title Aleksandr Pchelintcev updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (BLOSSOM-216) Avoid using deprecated DamConfig for tab creation
Title: Message Title Tobias Mattsson updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLCACHE-72) Update cache-related update tasks to reflect new configuration
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLGS-30) Google Sitemap Magnolia 5 migration
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLGS-59) Implementation improvements
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLRSSAGG-116) RSS Aggregator Magnolia 5 port related issues.
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-2397) Default values do not work when editing pages and areas in dialogs
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3326) Order the nodes of the security app alphabetically
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3399) Dialogs with scrollbar: Buttons for save and cancel disappear after errors in validation
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3416) EditorCallback#onCancel not called upon closing a dialog with x button instead of the cancel action
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3448) ReadOnly resources should not be editable in AceEditor
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3286) Deleting folder of groups or roles doesn't properly check dependencies
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3326) Order the nodes of the security app alphabetically
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3416) EditorCallback#onCancel not called upon closing a dialog with x button instead of the cancel action
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3399) Dialogs with scrollbar: Buttons for save and cancel disappear after errors in validation
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3491) Switching the language in a content app bypasses the required option of a field.
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3448) ReadOnly resources should not be editable in AceEditor
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3286) Deleting folder of groups or roles doesn't properly check dependencies
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3491) Switching the language in a content app bypasses the required option of a field.
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-2397) Default values do not work when editing pages and areas in dialogs
Title: Message Title Michael Mühlebach updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLDEMO-78) Hardcoded link about page breaks rendering
Title: Message Title Espen Jervidalo updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3408) Dissapearing buttons when clicking "?" on top of the window
Title: Message Title Aleksandr Pchelintcev updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3408) Dissapearing buttons when clicking "?" on top of the window
Title: Message Title Aleksandr Pchelintcev updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3483) CLONE 5.4.1 - Dissapearing buttons when clicking "?" on top of the window
Title: Message Title Aleksandr Pchelintcev deleted an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3408) Dissapearing buttons when clicking "?" on top of the window
Title: Message Title Aleksandr Pchelintcev updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-2624) Show popup with hidden tabs, if there are too many tabs to fit in one row
Title: Message Title Aleksandr Pchelintcev updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLUI-3408) Dissapearing buttons when clicking "?" on top of the window
Title: Message Title Philip Mundt updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLDEMO-78) Hardcoded link about page breaks rendering
Title: Message Title Espen Jervidalo updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLCACHE-117) Versionhandler of the cache module breaks in case of a multisite caching configuration
Title: Message Title Zdenek Skodik updated an issue
[magnolia-dev] [JIRA] (MGNLCACHE-117) CLONE - Versionhandler of the cache module breaks in case of a multisite caching configuration
Title: Message Title Zdenek Skodik updated an issue